Sunday, May 2, 2010
GoodBye EDM 310
Good Bye for now! I am happy that all the pressure is gone! All the projects are complete and no more blogging! I appreciate all the things that was taught to me! I feel like because of this class I can be a better teacher for my students! I hope to one day be a teacher that Dr. Strange will get his EDM 310 student's to comment on my class blog!!!
Final Post!!!!
1)What did I learn in this class?
*Google-The many things that I learned about Google! Wow! It began with setting up a g-mail account and then GoogleDocs. With GoogleDocs you can make presentations, surveys, tests, and make documents that can be shared with other GoogleDoc owners and it can be altered and saved by each person. All these gadgets that I learned about Google is by far the most important, and I can see myself as a teacher using these tools in the classroom!
*Blogs-After the end of this course I can honestly say I KNOW how to blog! Blogging is not one of my favorite things to do, but I can see where it can be helpful with teachers and keeping in touch with students. I am glad I learned how to blog, but I am not sure if I will be a teacher who would use it in a classroom. We will just have to wait and see.
*Skype-I do believe this is an extremely neat tool and that it can honestly open your classroom up to the whole world! It is also FREE! If I was going to teach a different subject other than math I would some how fit time to use this tool in the classroom!
*Timetoast Timeline-I really enjoyed doing this project! Actually just thinking back I could have used this tool to study during high school. I believe it is fun and an educational tool to play around with! Like I said before, with the subject I plan to teach I don't know right off hand how I would use this tool in the classroom, but I would love to share it with my class if only for a studying tool!
*Audacity-If I do plan on having a class blog this tool will definitely be in use!
*Podcasts- Ok not a real big fan of podcasts unless it is a video cast. I had a hard time getting interested in people just talking! I also listened to a lot of podcast where people were not formal, and it got irritating. I do not see myself using podcast in the classroom, but again we will just have to wait and see!
*Twitter- This is another one that I never really got into! I really don't see the purpose of it, but I know Dr. Strange used it in a educational way to meet new people, and find new blogs on his topic of interest. If I do plan on using Skype I will force myself to get use to this tool and also use it in an educational way.
*Comment for Kids- This assignment gave me great ideas for class blogs. I enjoyed personally looking at these kids blogs and also inspiring them to keep up the good work. I do believe this is an awesome assignment for future teacher's to have! This assignment gave us an opportunity to brighten up a student's day and that should be every teacher's dream!
*Comment for Teachers- I did not get into this assignment at much as I did comment for kids. Personally I enjoyed reading some of the blogs, but I felt I did not have anything insightful to say because simply I do not have any experience under my belt to make good comments and feed backs on some of the blogs.
*The future of the schools and technology- This class has opened my eyes to a lot of new points and views. I do see technology in a different way. I do not have a comment on future schools, but I do see more technology brought in to the classroom!
2)This class covered all the basics I cannot think of anything that was left out. I'm sure by next year there will be a lot more added to this course, but I will have to work hard to keep up with technology and not let it out run me!
3)Everything I learned in this class could be used in a classroom, and I don't see a tool that was taught that had no purpose and was useless to us. Now there was a few assignments I did not enjoy, but I do appreciate the opportunity to learn and I am proud to say that I am about to use a certain tool!
4)Saying that this class was exciting in the means of saying that I learned how to use a lot of tools that I did not know how to use before. Then yes this class was exciting and gave me many ideas on how I want my classroom to be.
5)I did not find this class to be hard. Time consuming, yes! I don't believe it was challenging in the fact that you have to rack your brain, but it was challenging in the fact of getting all the work and projects done!
6)You never got bored in this class because there was always work to be done or projects due! Never a dull moment with Dr. Strange!
7)No, I would not change any of the material taught. All of it can be useful to us as teachers in the future!
8)Technology Literate??? Well I know more about technology than when this semester started, and if that was the goal then yes I feel that I am some what technology literate!!!
9)Try to keep up the technology and not fall so behind! Do more stuff on the internet and surf the web in an educational way! Always try to keep my personal learning network growing! Its still tiny to me!
*Google-The many things that I learned about Google! Wow! It began with setting up a g-mail account and then GoogleDocs. With GoogleDocs you can make presentations, surveys, tests, and make documents that can be shared with other GoogleDoc owners and it can be altered and saved by each person. All these gadgets that I learned about Google is by far the most important, and I can see myself as a teacher using these tools in the classroom!
*Blogs-After the end of this course I can honestly say I KNOW how to blog! Blogging is not one of my favorite things to do, but I can see where it can be helpful with teachers and keeping in touch with students. I am glad I learned how to blog, but I am not sure if I will be a teacher who would use it in a classroom. We will just have to wait and see.
*Skype-I do believe this is an extremely neat tool and that it can honestly open your classroom up to the whole world! It is also FREE! If I was going to teach a different subject other than math I would some how fit time to use this tool in the classroom!
*Timetoast Timeline-I really enjoyed doing this project! Actually just thinking back I could have used this tool to study during high school. I believe it is fun and an educational tool to play around with! Like I said before, with the subject I plan to teach I don't know right off hand how I would use this tool in the classroom, but I would love to share it with my class if only for a studying tool!
*Audacity-If I do plan on having a class blog this tool will definitely be in use!
*Podcasts- Ok not a real big fan of podcasts unless it is a video cast. I had a hard time getting interested in people just talking! I also listened to a lot of podcast where people were not formal, and it got irritating. I do not see myself using podcast in the classroom, but again we will just have to wait and see!
*Twitter- This is another one that I never really got into! I really don't see the purpose of it, but I know Dr. Strange used it in a educational way to meet new people, and find new blogs on his topic of interest. If I do plan on using Skype I will force myself to get use to this tool and also use it in an educational way.
*Comment for Kids- This assignment gave me great ideas for class blogs. I enjoyed personally looking at these kids blogs and also inspiring them to keep up the good work. I do believe this is an awesome assignment for future teacher's to have! This assignment gave us an opportunity to brighten up a student's day and that should be every teacher's dream!
*Comment for Teachers- I did not get into this assignment at much as I did comment for kids. Personally I enjoyed reading some of the blogs, but I felt I did not have anything insightful to say because simply I do not have any experience under my belt to make good comments and feed backs on some of the blogs.
*The future of the schools and technology- This class has opened my eyes to a lot of new points and views. I do see technology in a different way. I do not have a comment on future schools, but I do see more technology brought in to the classroom!
2)This class covered all the basics I cannot think of anything that was left out. I'm sure by next year there will be a lot more added to this course, but I will have to work hard to keep up with technology and not let it out run me!
3)Everything I learned in this class could be used in a classroom, and I don't see a tool that was taught that had no purpose and was useless to us. Now there was a few assignments I did not enjoy, but I do appreciate the opportunity to learn and I am proud to say that I am about to use a certain tool!
4)Saying that this class was exciting in the means of saying that I learned how to use a lot of tools that I did not know how to use before. Then yes this class was exciting and gave me many ideas on how I want my classroom to be.
5)I did not find this class to be hard. Time consuming, yes! I don't believe it was challenging in the fact that you have to rack your brain, but it was challenging in the fact of getting all the work and projects done!
6)You never got bored in this class because there was always work to be done or projects due! Never a dull moment with Dr. Strange!
7)No, I would not change any of the material taught. All of it can be useful to us as teachers in the future!
8)Technology Literate??? Well I know more about technology than when this semester started, and if that was the goal then yes I feel that I am some what technology literate!!!
9)Try to keep up the technology and not fall so behind! Do more stuff on the internet and surf the web in an educational way! Always try to keep my personal learning network growing! Its still tiny to me!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Personal Learning Network #2
Fourteenth Post
7th Grader's PLE
I found this video very interesting. Symbaloo is a neat tool. I did not have much time to play around with it, but is something that caught my attention and I do plan to get more experience with it.
What's My Sentence?
This is something that I have never thought about. I contemplated on what I thought my sentence would be and I came up with a few that I would like, but I also believe that other people should define your sentence. My students should be able to look back and see what was special about my teaching. I hope my sentence will be " She is a teacher who actually makes Math fun and understandable!"
Was I Better Today Than Yesterday?
I believe that this is an excellent way to end each day. As a teacher you need to ask yourself this question daily, and acknowledge your improvement. Teachers need to always be on the lookout for ways of improving their teaching methods and being able to adapt to their student's needs. Teacher's also need to know that their is always room for improvement! The world around us changes fast, along with students.
I found this video very interesting. Symbaloo is a neat tool. I did not have much time to play around with it, but is something that caught my attention and I do plan to get more experience with it.
What's My Sentence?
This is something that I have never thought about. I contemplated on what I thought my sentence would be and I came up with a few that I would like, but I also believe that other people should define your sentence. My students should be able to look back and see what was special about my teaching. I hope my sentence will be " She is a teacher who actually makes Math fun and understandable!"
Was I Better Today Than Yesterday?
I believe that this is an excellent way to end each day. As a teacher you need to ask yourself this question daily, and acknowledge your improvement. Teachers need to always be on the lookout for ways of improving their teaching methods and being able to adapt to their student's needs. Teacher's also need to know that their is always room for improvement! The world around us changes fast, along with students.
Teacher's Interview
For this project I chose to interview a relative of mine who teaches Third Grade.
1)What inspired you to become a teacher?
I came from a family where both parents work for the Department of Education, and as a child I enjoyed having my parents involved with my education. Therefore this inspired me to become a teacher and be apart of as many student's education as I could. I feel that when someone is involved in a students education and guide them in the right direction that they will have a positive outlook on their future.
2)What type of technology do you use in your classroom?
Well, not as much as I would like to use. I do have tv, dvd, vcr, and a personal computer. My students go to a computer lab to practice their math and reading skills with a special program on a computer, but this is outside of the classroom. She explained that she has learned that using devices/tools other than books and chalkboards keep the kids interested in the curriculum. Also kids tend to learn more when things are hands on.
3) I showed her a couple of the blog posts where student's blog and make videos and asked her if it was available to her would she get her students to blog?
She did admit that she never blogged before and would have to look further into the subject.
4) I then explained to her what "technology illiterate" meant. Then I asked her was she "technology literate or technology illiterate"?
After looking over what tools and requirements of the EDM 310 class, she assumed that she was "technology illiterate." She did want to add that she was active on "Facebook!"
5) For the last question I asked does she think teachers should be technology literate?
I believe it would be an advantage to be caught up on technology, but I do not believe it is actually a necessity to be a teacher. Although, not wanting to contradict myself, you can not be a teacher without knowing how to operate some of the basic technologies. Times are changing and I believe that schools will not evolve as fast as technology, but will manage to keep up in their own ways.
1)What inspired you to become a teacher?
I came from a family where both parents work for the Department of Education, and as a child I enjoyed having my parents involved with my education. Therefore this inspired me to become a teacher and be apart of as many student's education as I could. I feel that when someone is involved in a students education and guide them in the right direction that they will have a positive outlook on their future.
2)What type of technology do you use in your classroom?
Well, not as much as I would like to use. I do have tv, dvd, vcr, and a personal computer. My students go to a computer lab to practice their math and reading skills with a special program on a computer, but this is outside of the classroom. She explained that she has learned that using devices/tools other than books and chalkboards keep the kids interested in the curriculum. Also kids tend to learn more when things are hands on.
3) I showed her a couple of the blog posts where student's blog and make videos and asked her if it was available to her would she get her students to blog?
She did admit that she never blogged before and would have to look further into the subject.
4) I then explained to her what "technology illiterate" meant. Then I asked her was she "technology literate or technology illiterate"?
After looking over what tools and requirements of the EDM 310 class, she assumed that she was "technology illiterate." She did want to add that she was active on "Facebook!"
5) For the last question I asked does she think teachers should be technology literate?
I believe it would be an advantage to be caught up on technology, but I do not believe it is actually a necessity to be a teacher. Although, not wanting to contradict myself, you can not be a teacher without knowing how to operate some of the basic technologies. Times are changing and I believe that schools will not evolve as fast as technology, but will manage to keep up in their own ways.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Using Tech to Teach Something
Wow the possibilities that I have been taught this semester. Before I never really thought that technology could be a huge use to teachers, but now I realize how much more students can learn with the use of technology. Just using some of the tools that was taught to me over the course of the semester I can come up with different ways of how they could have been used while I was in high school. For example, Time Toast Time Lines could have been used in teaching History to help remember important dates. The one that I fell in-love with this semester is Google! There is so many things you can do with Google. Google docs, Google Mail, Google Earth, using Google presentations, surveys. The one that really amazed me is Skype. While teaching Geography or other culture courses such as Social Studies you can skype across the world! Teaching would not be limited in the classroom or just in books!
Comments for Teachers Weeks 13 & 14
For my comment for teachers for weeks 13 & 14 I was assigned to Dianne Krause's Blog. Her blog title is "a whole new dianne." Her post are about her update of "what she found" she titles her post "look what I found on" For example the first post that caught my eye was on "Look what I found on 4/20/2010" she goes through and explains how she came across this website where you can print out free posters for your school or home, and also you can print out certificates and reward sheets. I found this interesting because becoming a teacher these little things can become useful in the classroom. She also has all the addresses to these websites posted.
The next one that caught my eye was "LOOK what I found on 4/13/2010" This post was about educational post that she has discovered. I enjoyed reading a couple of these. I felt that it was helpful because I will someday be an teacher! Go check out her blog. You will literally get caught up for hours just clicking and surfing her blog post!
The next one that caught my eye was "LOOK what I found on 4/13/2010" This post was about educational post that she has discovered. I enjoyed reading a couple of these. I felt that it was helpful because I will someday be an teacher! Go check out her blog. You will literally get caught up for hours just clicking and surfing her blog post!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Thirteenth Post
When I first signed up for EDM310 I was thinking that this course would be a breeze with no books and just fun computer stuff. Well I found out quick that I did not know as much about computers and the internet as I thought I did. I also did not see the significance of knowing technology to become a teacher. This class has opened my eyes to a whole new world of technology, and now I see how the world is changing around us and we cannot just sit back and not progress with it. Technology is important in Education!
This course turned out to be a handful, but I guess I have to say it was worth it. I did learn a lot of stuff that I would not have cared to learn on my own. I know how to blog, make podcasts, and other tools on the internet that can help with research and get you connected to the world around you. I believe the most useful thing that will be helpful as an educator that I have learned is using Google. I thought you only used Google as a search engine, but now i know how to use Google Docs, make a Google presentation, even Google Earth.
Comment for Kids
This week on comment for kids I had to comment on Anahera's Camp Poem. She explained how much she enjoyed camping and that it was the best time in her life. She talked about what she ate while she was camping and also all the other activities that she was involved in. She also had a video attached to her post that was really cute. I commented to her and explained that I really enjoyed her post and for her to keep up the good work.
This course turned out to be a handful, but I guess I have to say it was worth it. I did learn a lot of stuff that I would not have cared to learn on my own. I know how to blog, make podcasts, and other tools on the internet that can help with research and get you connected to the world around you. I believe the most useful thing that will be helpful as an educator that I have learned is using Google. I thought you only used Google as a search engine, but now i know how to use Google Docs, make a Google presentation, even Google Earth.
Comment for Kids
This week on comment for kids I had to comment on Anahera's Camp Poem. She explained how much she enjoyed camping and that it was the best time in her life. She talked about what she ate while she was camping and also all the other activities that she was involved in. She also had a video attached to her post that was really cute. I commented to her and explained that I really enjoyed her post and for her to keep up the good work.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Twelfth Post

Comments for Kids
On my comments for kids this week I had to comment on a blog page of "Pt England Scribes." The students blog post was "Magnificent Mikaiah." This was a really cute blog. It was a poem of how she was magnificent, and it talked about her interest and what hobbies she was good at.
Dr. Seuss-The Zax
I found this video really cute and interesting! A lot of things go through your mind when your watching this video. It makes you realize that just because your not into technology does not mean the world around us is not going to continue forth with advanced technology! Change may not be easy, but maybe a few steps off your normal path might lead you to a whole new advanced world!!
PS22 Video
Wow! The PS22 video was awesome. The student chorus did a rendition of the song "Landslide." This is a very good example of why students should have to post their work to the web so that they can have an audience. These children were really into this assignment you can look at their faces and see how much feeling they were putting into that song. And just because this video was posted on the web they were invited to play with Stevie Nicks. You can imagine the feedback these student's are going to get! All this will be a positive motivation for them!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Google Docs Survey
I made up a Google Docs Survey and sent it out to list of my fellow classmates to see how much they enjoyed and how they thought blogging could be useful. The name of my survey was "Do You blog?" You can check out the results of my survey just CLICK HERE Hope you enjoy!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Comments for Teacher's Week 10 & 12
On my assignment for comment for teacher's I had the opportunity to visit Jenny's blog called " Jenny's Learning Journey". It was very interesting to read some of her post because she is beginning her PLN just as we are in EDM310. To be honest I am not a big fan of twitter and I read a post on how twitter was her most helpful program when she had to attend a conference. Most of her followers on twitter were also attending that same conference and she practically had no strangers. If your not sure how twitter can be useful in the technology world today I would give the advice to go check out Jenny's blog and you can find out all the information you need! Check it out
Eleventh Post
Comments for Kids
For my comments for kids this week I had to view "Team One Rock Stars" page, and I commented on Calais's post. It stated, "I am waiting by the ladder. I have to take turns because it's the Pt. England Way." It also had a wonderful picture of a person waiting patiently. I really enjoyed this school's blog.
"Dear Kaia" and "Singing Hearts"
This week we read three blog posts and each one related to another. To begin with a man and his daughter, who live in Qatar, go outside one day and take pictures of their surroundings. Her dad is trying to teach her to start taking a closer look at the world around her. So the little girl does and posts a blog about what she finds outside and then creates a photo essay which she posts in her blog. Next an eighth grade class in Missouri finds her blog and watches her photo essay and begins to comment on her blog. But it did not stop there; they became more curious about the world that Jabiz Raisdana (father) and Kaia (daughter) live in, so help solve their curiosity Jabiz offered to skype the class in Missouri and answer questions about his home land.
This is a wonderful example of how technology links worlds together inside the class room walls and expands our learning ability outside of our normal realm. Instead of simply reading a book or article about this place, they were able to interact and have their questions answered personally.
I believe that this will soon be the new ways of education. This is a wonderful thing to take place because people will be more active with learning. The saying, “education has no limits,” is now becoming true with the help of technology!
For my comments for kids this week I had to view "Team One Rock Stars" page, and I commented on Calais's post. It stated, "I am waiting by the ladder. I have to take turns because it's the Pt. England Way." It also had a wonderful picture of a person waiting patiently. I really enjoyed this school's blog.
"Dear Kaia" and "Singing Hearts"
This week we read three blog posts and each one related to another. To begin with a man and his daughter, who live in Qatar, go outside one day and take pictures of their surroundings. Her dad is trying to teach her to start taking a closer look at the world around her. So the little girl does and posts a blog about what she finds outside and then creates a photo essay which she posts in her blog. Next an eighth grade class in Missouri finds her blog and watches her photo essay and begins to comment on her blog. But it did not stop there; they became more curious about the world that Jabiz Raisdana (father) and Kaia (daughter) live in, so help solve their curiosity Jabiz offered to skype the class in Missouri and answer questions about his home land.
This is a wonderful example of how technology links worlds together inside the class room walls and expands our learning ability outside of our normal realm. Instead of simply reading a book or article about this place, they were able to interact and have their questions answered personally.
I believe that this will soon be the new ways of education. This is a wonderful thing to take place because people will be more active with learning. The saying, “education has no limits,” is now becoming true with the help of technology!
Monday, March 29, 2010

I used skype for the first time while I was school. Since I live 65 miles away from school I spend long hours sitting in my car and doing homework. I figured that it would be a perfect time to skype in with my boy friend while he was at home. So first I had to call him and explain what was going on and how to download skype. After we figured out how to us skype and got everything working we had a ten minute conversation. I have to say it was way more interesting than just a plain phone call! I really enjoyed it and plan to keep using skype!
Tenth Post
Comments for Kids
For my comments for kids I had to visit St. Pius X-Room 6's blog and it was very interesting. I commented on the video on how to use digital cameras. I mainly enjoyed this post because I am not an electronic person, so this video will probably help me out in the future when I actually need to use a camera! I expressed how informative their video was and how much I enjoyed it. Also for all those "Power-shots" to keep up the good work!
An Open Letter to Educators: By Morgan Bayda
Wow! I was not surprised that Morgan had a horrible experience during her college career in dealing with the modern classroom structure and it’s out of date ways. That is because I also have experienced the same structured classes that consist of long boring lectures, and most classes students tend to skip! Most of the things I memorize and actually learn are only for the short term, so I can pass the next test.
Dan Brown dropped out of school, because he said that it was interfering with his education. He made his point by saying that institutional education is going to fail if it does not evolve. His main point of view was that education is now free and easily accessed over the internet. This was an eye opener for me! It made me start thinking about how much money students are paying for education, and did you really get your money worth? College mainly teaches students responsibility and how to deal with stress, it is the first step to slapping kids’ faces with reality. I have learned other things, but I'm really not sure about the value of the education I am receiving.
I thought that this blog was a wake-up call, and made me start thinking about my own education. I believe that institutional education has to evolve to meet the needs of the world, and it is up to the future educators to make this happen! This is going to be very challenging, but it also means that everyone in society will have access to any information needed without anything holding them back! It is exciting to imagine what the world will be like in ten years!
For my comments for kids I had to visit St. Pius X-Room 6's blog and it was very interesting. I commented on the video on how to use digital cameras. I mainly enjoyed this post because I am not an electronic person, so this video will probably help me out in the future when I actually need to use a camera! I expressed how informative their video was and how much I enjoyed it. Also for all those "Power-shots" to keep up the good work!
An Open Letter to Educators: By Morgan Bayda
Wow! I was not surprised that Morgan had a horrible experience during her college career in dealing with the modern classroom structure and it’s out of date ways. That is because I also have experienced the same structured classes that consist of long boring lectures, and most classes students tend to skip! Most of the things I memorize and actually learn are only for the short term, so I can pass the next test.
Dan Brown dropped out of school, because he said that it was interfering with his education. He made his point by saying that institutional education is going to fail if it does not evolve. His main point of view was that education is now free and easily accessed over the internet. This was an eye opener for me! It made me start thinking about how much money students are paying for education, and did you really get your money worth? College mainly teaches students responsibility and how to deal with stress, it is the first step to slapping kids’ faces with reality. I have learned other things, but I'm really not sure about the value of the education I am receiving.
I thought that this blog was a wake-up call, and made me start thinking about my own education. I believe that institutional education has to evolve to meet the needs of the world, and it is up to the future educators to make this happen! This is going to be very challenging, but it also means that everyone in society will have access to any information needed without anything holding them back! It is exciting to imagine what the world will be like in ten years!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Time Toast Time-Line

I created my time-line to show the "History of Hurricanes that hit the Gulf Coast." Hope you enjoy. Check it out
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Comments for Teacher Week 7, 8, & 9
For my comments for teacher I had to comment on Jabiz Raisdana blog "The Intrepid Teacher". The first blog post that I read really caught my eye because it talked about a video that his daughter had made and posted that had gotten a lot of attention from an EDM310 class. On his post he explained that he did not have the time to answer back to all the comments, but he did want to put a special Thanks on his blog to EDM310 class. So he did and there was also a student who sent his daughter a video of her daughter reading a book, so Raisdana also poster another video of his daughter's response. A very enjoyable post!
The second blog post that I commented on was the post "There's no such thing as Virtual: It is all Teaching." It starts off explaining how the school he teaches at was temporarily closed because of the spread of Swine Flu. He goes on explaining how the time away from his students made him start looking into E-Learning or "virtual" learning. His wife works in America and they have the opportunity to work with "Blackboard" but choose not to, and when the crisis hits them they scramble to rapidly learn how the technology can be used to their advantage. So to prevent himself from following in their footsteps he begins his virtual journey. He explains how he uses several different tools in his teaching. I felt like I could relate to this blog because in this class we are doing and learning exactly what he is having to teach himself.
The last blog that caught my attention was "Use your Brain". This post was basically about a paper a student of Raisdana's had wrote about the person who inspired him. This post inspired me to be the best teacher i can be and inspire my student's and get them to learn the world around them and for the future just like Raisdana did. You can visit the "Intrepid Teacher's" blog....Click Here
The second blog post that I commented on was the post "There's no such thing as Virtual: It is all Teaching." It starts off explaining how the school he teaches at was temporarily closed because of the spread of Swine Flu. He goes on explaining how the time away from his students made him start looking into E-Learning or "virtual" learning. His wife works in America and they have the opportunity to work with "Blackboard" but choose not to, and when the crisis hits them they scramble to rapidly learn how the technology can be used to their advantage. So to prevent himself from following in their footsteps he begins his virtual journey. He explains how he uses several different tools in his teaching. I felt like I could relate to this blog because in this class we are doing and learning exactly what he is having to teach himself.
The last blog that caught my attention was "Use your Brain". This post was basically about a paper a student of Raisdana's had wrote about the person who inspired him. This post inspired me to be the best teacher i can be and inspire my student's and get them to learn the world around them and for the future just like Raisdana did. You can visit the "Intrepid Teacher's" blog....Click Here
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Ninth post
Comments for Kids & Teachers
I had to comment on Jessica's blog this week, and her blog topic was a video on how excitement felt when she won a race. She videoed her and some friends running, and she expressed her feelings in words as the race progressed and showed her excitement when she won. This is the last week i had to comment on my teacher's blog, so check out the blog post "Comments for Teachers" to find out more.
The Alex-Alabama Learning Exchange- is an excellent site for teachers. This is the first time i have heard of it. I went to Click here for Alex and there it brings up a page of different topics such as:courses of study, web-links, lesson plans, etc. You click on one of them and it takes you to the site. Like if you click on Lesson plans it takes you to the place to make out lesson plans, and if you hit courses of study it takes you to choose the course, and then to already made out lesson plans.
This is a great site for teachers. This also gets teachers up to date on technology so that they don't have to make lesson plans out by hand anymore. Also instead of having to go back and redo their lesson plans if they do change for the week, the teacher can just go online and adjust it and print it off. I believe every teacher should know about this site.
Access Distant Learning is a program online that connects students though technology with an education program. With this program you can get advanced diploma credit, dual enrollment, and provide teachers with additional multimedia and tools to enhance instruction. I also have not heard of this program until now. I also believe this is another site that teachers should look into especially if you are one who is looking to bring technology into the classroom.
To get to this site you go to click here for Access, and if you are a member you have to sign in. At the top of the web page it gives you all of the tabs to help you find what you are looking for such as: courses, students, educators, and technical support. On an overview site you can see that this site is very legit Overview.
I had to comment on Jessica's blog this week, and her blog topic was a video on how excitement felt when she won a race. She videoed her and some friends running, and she expressed her feelings in words as the race progressed and showed her excitement when she won. This is the last week i had to comment on my teacher's blog, so check out the blog post "Comments for Teachers" to find out more.
The Alex-Alabama Learning Exchange- is an excellent site for teachers. This is the first time i have heard of it. I went to Click here for Alex and there it brings up a page of different topics such as:courses of study, web-links, lesson plans, etc. You click on one of them and it takes you to the site. Like if you click on Lesson plans it takes you to the place to make out lesson plans, and if you hit courses of study it takes you to choose the course, and then to already made out lesson plans.
This is a great site for teachers. This also gets teachers up to date on technology so that they don't have to make lesson plans out by hand anymore. Also instead of having to go back and redo their lesson plans if they do change for the week, the teacher can just go online and adjust it and print it off. I believe every teacher should know about this site.
Access Distant Learning is a program online that connects students though technology with an education program. With this program you can get advanced diploma credit, dual enrollment, and provide teachers with additional multimedia and tools to enhance instruction. I also have not heard of this program until now. I also believe this is another site that teachers should look into especially if you are one who is looking to bring technology into the classroom.
To get to this site you go to click here for Access, and if you are a member you have to sign in. At the top of the web page it gives you all of the tabs to help you find what you are looking for such as: courses, students, educators, and technical support. On an overview site you can see that this site is very legit Overview.
Eighth Post
Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
Wow what can i say this guy is awesome! This is the first time that i have heard of him, and because of this assignment i am one of his fans. This assignment was kind of the longest one we have had so far, and i really was not looking forward to doing it but when you started watching him you just got into his lecture and time just went by. You rarely see a person this day in time as happy and full of life as Randy Pausch. I do believe he is an inspiration not only to me but to everyone that has listened to him. He is about to lose his life, but he still so helpful to make sure everyone else around him can have an amazing life and live it to the fullest. It makes you really start thinking about your own life and weather of not to start making some changes.
He first starts out by explaining what his childhood dreams were and how he achieved them, which takes up about the first twenty minutes of the video. He talks about how he accomplished did each one. Randy did everything he could to do everything on his list. He never took no for an answer when it come to his dreams, and if necessary he took a few loop holes. I believe everyone's goal start out by just saying i want to live life to the fullest and that's kind of what Randy has done.
Then he goes on talking about how he helped others achieve their childhood dreams. He dedicated the remainder of his life to helping his students be the best they could possibly be. It's weird this guy is dying and everything he does is selfless, i mean it seems that it needs to be all about him, but that's not how he looks at it. On top of that he is entertaining, and he does not make it depressing even though u really can't help but to feel sorry for him. I don't believe i could be the way he is if i was in his shoes.
I believe one of his main quotes is, "You obviously don't know where the bar should be, and your only going to do them a disservice by putting it anywhere." This speaks to everyone no matter how old you are. No one can tell you when you have reached your limits. Like the old saying goes, " don't stop at the stars, shoot for the moon."
Comments for kids & teachers
I had to comment on David's blog and his topic was about slavery and he put together a couple of sentences that really explained what slavery was and how it made people feel. I also went to my comment for teacher blog and i have read another post and commented on it.
Wow what can i say this guy is awesome! This is the first time that i have heard of him, and because of this assignment i am one of his fans. This assignment was kind of the longest one we have had so far, and i really was not looking forward to doing it but when you started watching him you just got into his lecture and time just went by. You rarely see a person this day in time as happy and full of life as Randy Pausch. I do believe he is an inspiration not only to me but to everyone that has listened to him. He is about to lose his life, but he still so helpful to make sure everyone else around him can have an amazing life and live it to the fullest. It makes you really start thinking about your own life and weather of not to start making some changes.
He first starts out by explaining what his childhood dreams were and how he achieved them, which takes up about the first twenty minutes of the video. He talks about how he accomplished did each one. Randy did everything he could to do everything on his list. He never took no for an answer when it come to his dreams, and if necessary he took a few loop holes. I believe everyone's goal start out by just saying i want to live life to the fullest and that's kind of what Randy has done.
Then he goes on talking about how he helped others achieve their childhood dreams. He dedicated the remainder of his life to helping his students be the best they could possibly be. It's weird this guy is dying and everything he does is selfless, i mean it seems that it needs to be all about him, but that's not how he looks at it. On top of that he is entertaining, and he does not make it depressing even though u really can't help but to feel sorry for him. I don't believe i could be the way he is if i was in his shoes.
I believe one of his main quotes is, "You obviously don't know where the bar should be, and your only going to do them a disservice by putting it anywhere." This speaks to everyone no matter how old you are. No one can tell you when you have reached your limits. Like the old saying goes, " don't stop at the stars, shoot for the moon."
Comments for kids & teachers
I had to comment on David's blog and his topic was about slavery and he put together a couple of sentences that really explained what slavery was and how it made people feel. I also went to my comment for teacher blog and i have read another post and commented on it.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Seventh Post
How we Dream Part 1 and 2:
Technology has come a long way and students have been able to keep up! As a student we no longer have to go down to the library when we have a research paper due to track down several books on a certain subject, and sit for hours thumbing through thousands of pages. Now at our convenience anyone can search the web to find tons of information on the subject needed in less time than the traditional way.
Not only is finding information on the internet faster and more convenient, but it's easier to access. Using the internet can contain more information because it includes other peoples ideas and facts of information, unlike a book has only one person's outlook. Plus the internet has present day information along with historical information about certain topics.
There are also other features to the internet that could be useful that the traditional library does not have. With the internet you can use features such as blogging networks, YouTube, itunes, and other visual representation that now play major roles in education. It was said that, "Ideas don't belong to us individually, but belong to us as a culture, and that we as educators must be in the business of sharing ideas freely."
The Networked Student: Wendy Drexler
Drexler's high school students did a YouTube video titled "Networked Student. This video is about students in the 21st century. In their presentation they talk about how the need of the students Personal Learning Network's are important, not on text book and memorized knowledge. Students have so many ways of researching information and finding answers what is the need to memorize facts. The traditional ways of searching libraries for books has almost came to an end. If they were no Alabama Virtual Library online then i would see the need to start memorizing everything i read.
Another question asked is, "Why does a networked student even need a teacher?" Students now can find out anything they want on their own by using the internet or their PLN's. The teacher is no longer the source for information. Teachers now are their for guidance only, but i am a firm believer in guidance if it was not for that most students would not achieve most of their goals. The teachers lead them along and encourage them to find answers they don't know instead of simply being satisfied with not knowing.
I think we will always need some form of a teacher, so i believe we will not have to worry about jobs. One could have all the knowledge at their fingertips, but if they don't know how to obtain that information or use it to their advantage then they are no better off than someone who doesn't have the information to begin with. Like i said before all students need guidance without most students would not be where they are in life now.
Comment for Kids & Teachers
For my comments for kids i had to visit Melville Intermediate School class blog. I commented on their worm project where they had to start their own worm bed. The main purpose was to help the environment. It was really interesting to watch all those kids so excited and participating, but i also have to add i am not a worm person.
On my assignment for comments for teacher i had to look at the Intrepid Teacher's blog page which is very interesting because he talks about the University of South Alabama and Dr. Strange, so it made it more interesting for me because i was like i know that place and people!
Well first on my PLN is Dr. John Strange i follow him on twitter. I also follow Belinda Fluker blogs because she has taken this course before and she seems to be extremely bright so i believe i can learn from her! On twitter i am following Stephen Sullivan, iGradebook, and Scott McLeod. I chose to follow Scott McLeod because i enjoyed his post on "Don't teach your kids this stuff. Please?". I found iGradebook to be interesting for teachers and i would like to know more about it so i chose to follow it, and Stephen Sullivan is also apart of Edm310.
Technology has come a long way and students have been able to keep up! As a student we no longer have to go down to the library when we have a research paper due to track down several books on a certain subject, and sit for hours thumbing through thousands of pages. Now at our convenience anyone can search the web to find tons of information on the subject needed in less time than the traditional way.
Not only is finding information on the internet faster and more convenient, but it's easier to access. Using the internet can contain more information because it includes other peoples ideas and facts of information, unlike a book has only one person's outlook. Plus the internet has present day information along with historical information about certain topics.
There are also other features to the internet that could be useful that the traditional library does not have. With the internet you can use features such as blogging networks, YouTube, itunes, and other visual representation that now play major roles in education. It was said that, "Ideas don't belong to us individually, but belong to us as a culture, and that we as educators must be in the business of sharing ideas freely."
The Networked Student: Wendy Drexler
Drexler's high school students did a YouTube video titled "Networked Student. This video is about students in the 21st century. In their presentation they talk about how the need of the students Personal Learning Network's are important, not on text book and memorized knowledge. Students have so many ways of researching information and finding answers what is the need to memorize facts. The traditional ways of searching libraries for books has almost came to an end. If they were no Alabama Virtual Library online then i would see the need to start memorizing everything i read.
Another question asked is, "Why does a networked student even need a teacher?" Students now can find out anything they want on their own by using the internet or their PLN's. The teacher is no longer the source for information. Teachers now are their for guidance only, but i am a firm believer in guidance if it was not for that most students would not achieve most of their goals. The teachers lead them along and encourage them to find answers they don't know instead of simply being satisfied with not knowing.
I think we will always need some form of a teacher, so i believe we will not have to worry about jobs. One could have all the knowledge at their fingertips, but if they don't know how to obtain that information or use it to their advantage then they are no better off than someone who doesn't have the information to begin with. Like i said before all students need guidance without most students would not be where they are in life now.
Comment for Kids & Teachers
For my comments for kids i had to visit Melville Intermediate School class blog. I commented on their worm project where they had to start their own worm bed. The main purpose was to help the environment. It was really interesting to watch all those kids so excited and participating, but i also have to add i am not a worm person.
On my assignment for comments for teacher i had to look at the Intrepid Teacher's blog page which is very interesting because he talks about the University of South Alabama and Dr. Strange, so it made it more interesting for me because i was like i know that place and people!
Well first on my PLN is Dr. John Strange i follow him on twitter. I also follow Belinda Fluker blogs because she has taken this course before and she seems to be extremely bright so i believe i can learn from her! On twitter i am following Stephen Sullivan, iGradebook, and Scott McLeod. I chose to follow Scott McLeod because i enjoyed his post on "Don't teach your kids this stuff. Please?". I found iGradebook to be interesting for teachers and i would like to know more about it so i chose to follow it, and Stephen Sullivan is also apart of Edm310.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sixth Post

Dr. Christie's Site
On Dr. Christie's site the one thing that caught my eye was the tab labeled educational technology. This tab has a list of things teachers could use in there classrooms with there students or to better educate their students. It does not stop there. If you find a topic and are interested in it but do not really know what it is or how it works you can click on the word and it will take you to that site and you can research there to find out the information on the product. The one that i fell in love with is the instant messaging. You first go to a page where you then can be directed to more sites to get more in depth information or you can read her page of the basic meaning of instant messaging. At the bottom of this page she has a list of all the instant messaging abbreviations which i plan to print off for my mom and dad who have just picked up the habit of texting!
I would recommend this site to people who are already teaching and do not really know much about technology or do not know how to put it in with there teaching of education. This site is an over look of what I am learning in EDM310, and little extra which I plan to keep this page to refer back to when i become a teacher.
itunes U
This is the first time that i checked out itunes U and i think i'm hooked. As a student you always have this one teacher who is hard to understand or you just simply don't understand the material in the way he/she is teaching it. Well with itunes U a student can go look up another univeristy of interest with the same subject and topic of interest and absorb their information, and this could possibly help that student's grades. Another example is if a student had to miss a lecture then he/she could go search this site and find information that they missed in class.
Itunes U can also be helpful to a teacher. The teacher can record her lectures and students can watch/listen to the lecture at home if he/she did not completely absorb all the information during class time. This is a positive way to keep parents informed on what is going on in the classroom and what is being covered. Also i know that as the year progresses during the school year more and more students are absent and this is a good way for them to keep up to date, and the teacher does not have to stop class progress to go back over something that someone had missed previously.
Link to itunes U
OK first of all i have to say that i do not own an ipod and the only interaction i have with one is with my boy friend's ipod nano, so researching this topic was very interesting to me. I found a site that goes through everything with you step by step starting with the first time you plug it into your computer. Here is the link so that you can find out for yourself how this video on ipods is helpful.ipod instruction video After taking this class i do feel like i need to get more involved with technology, and saying that after i watched this video and with my birthday coming up i believe i will invest in me an ipod!
Comments for Kids
My assignment for comment for kids i had to look at Marc's blog page, and for a fifth grader is was amazing. His most recent post was on a school skit that he was a little upset that he did not get to be cast in, but he was instead the props and effect manager. On Marc's page he has video's you can watch and also podcasts you can listen to, it is very neat and organized and up to date with his school activities. I was very impressed with his blog page, and i even commented and told him that his more interesting than mine and for him to keep up the good work.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Fifth Post

My thoughts on Wikipedia are the same as i have always been instructed; I believe Wikipedia is not a reliable source, and I do not see the significance in it when you have Google. If anyone can change the information on any topic giving on Wikipedia, why would a person even want to start their search there? In my opinion it is no better than a blog site, if one person does not like the information given they can easily change it to fit there opinion/facts and same goes with the next person who visits the same site, but in the end everyone can put in a say on the matter.
This is the first i have heard about the Wikipedia Scanner, but seriously what is the purpose of it? Yes, you do get to find out who made the alteration to the information, but what more can you do to the people other than point your finger and say "they did it." It is interesting to find out that big companies play a roll in the alterations and this might even make them lose their respect to some people. But i have to say that i am not one to search on Wikipedia, and if i ever did it would be hard to make me believe what i read and i would always have to back it up with more reliable searches.
Mr McClung's first year
I really enjoyed reading Mr. McClung's post. As a future educator i always dream of that first day on the job with my own classroom and all my new students, but with these notes i believe my first year will go better! I have this perfect picture in my head, but i know as well as everyone else it never plays out the way it does in your own head. This is some information i would print off and keep with me to read throughout the year, and probably add too with other advise from teacher friends.
Comment for Kids
For my comments for kids this week i had a boy that had to do a social studies project. He had to build something to represent his topic and then record his presentation as he gave it in class. I found this interesting because he put his presentation on his blog, and this is something he will always remember because it is a hands on experience. I explained to him that i was not into social studies and that i was more of a math girl, but i did remember this one time when i was in 7th grade my whole class made this huge cookie and took icing to draw all major rivers on it, and that i could mostly remember all those rivers and where they were on the cookie because it was a fun, hands-on learning experience.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Fourth Post
Mr. McClung's World:
This was assigned to me for my Comments for Kids week. Mr. McClung's post topic was "Lessons Learned". He fist begins talking about how they have received a large amount of snow in the Mid-West. I commented on how I was actually jealous because living in the south we really do not see snow! His second lesson talked about the "Air Mouse" which as i explained that i would have to go explore this to actually see what it was and how it would be useful, but Mr. McClung's believes that it is a must if you are a teacher. Now on the third and final lesson McClung talks about Facebook and how he involved his students and this expanded his classroom. He tells a short story of how he helped his students better understand a quiz by talking to them after school hours on facebook. I commented that facebook is a popular site and involving his students was a wonderful idea, and most likely these students took in more information over the net than they did in the classroom where they tend to tune out some subjects and begin to day dream.
More Podcasts:
I watched a few videos from Langwitchs Blog. The one that mainly stood out to me was Flat Stanley podcast by first graders. The reason it stood out to me was because I remember doing this assignment when I was in third grade. I also made a paper doll which I named "Flat Lisa" and sent it to some of my family out of state, who then took pictures with Flat Lisa and sent them back to me so I could then put a project together and present to my class. These kids were amazing telling their stories of becoming flat and being sent around the world! They expressed so much emotion that kept me interested in their podcast the entire time! I could not stop smiling while listening to this because I was shocked that these kids picked a place, researched it, and made up this exciting story of this wonderful place and their adventures. The teacher of these students explained that they need to use all 5 senses to tell their story: tell what they saw, how they felt, how it smelt, how it sounded, and if they tasted anything weird. This podcast was not just a few minutes long and did not include a few students; it took time to listen to every student's story of adventure in this elementary class. You can tell that each student really enjoyed this assignment, and just like me will remember it for the rest of his/her life. This is actually a podcast that I would love to save to my computer or something and play to my children for a bedtime story or on a rainy day it is that awesome! This podcast taught me how I also need to capture the interest of my future listeners of my podcast: to be energetic, and show my interest in the subject, and to make sure to explain to my listeners every detail so that they will also be interested and will be able to understand.
This was assigned to me for my Comments for Kids week. Mr. McClung's post topic was "Lessons Learned". He fist begins talking about how they have received a large amount of snow in the Mid-West. I commented on how I was actually jealous because living in the south we really do not see snow! His second lesson talked about the "Air Mouse" which as i explained that i would have to go explore this to actually see what it was and how it would be useful, but Mr. McClung's believes that it is a must if you are a teacher. Now on the third and final lesson McClung talks about Facebook and how he involved his students and this expanded his classroom. He tells a short story of how he helped his students better understand a quiz by talking to them after school hours on facebook. I commented that facebook is a popular site and involving his students was a wonderful idea, and most likely these students took in more information over the net than they did in the classroom where they tend to tune out some subjects and begin to day dream.
More Podcasts:
I watched a few videos from Langwitchs Blog. The one that mainly stood out to me was Flat Stanley podcast by first graders. The reason it stood out to me was because I remember doing this assignment when I was in third grade. I also made a paper doll which I named "Flat Lisa" and sent it to some of my family out of state, who then took pictures with Flat Lisa and sent them back to me so I could then put a project together and present to my class. These kids were amazing telling their stories of becoming flat and being sent around the world! They expressed so much emotion that kept me interested in their podcast the entire time! I could not stop smiling while listening to this because I was shocked that these kids picked a place, researched it, and made up this exciting story of this wonderful place and their adventures. The teacher of these students explained that they need to use all 5 senses to tell their story: tell what they saw, how they felt, how it smelt, how it sounded, and if they tasted anything weird. This podcast was not just a few minutes long and did not include a few students; it took time to listen to every student's story of adventure in this elementary class. You can tell that each student really enjoyed this assignment, and just like me will remember it for the rest of his/her life. This is actually a podcast that I would love to save to my computer or something and play to my children for a bedtime story or on a rainy day it is that awesome! This podcast taught me how I also need to capture the interest of my future listeners of my podcast: to be energetic, and show my interest in the subject, and to make sure to explain to my listeners every detail so that they will also be interested and will be able to understand.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Third post
Smart Board Lessons Podcast
I enjoyed this podcast, but in my opinion he should have not been ordering coffee while recording. I do believe that every teacher should know how to use a smart board and actually use it in the class room. As a student i have never seen one in-use before so it was interesting to get to learn about a smart board. I enjoyed animation during the podcast, it kept my interest.
Kid cast
I listened to "Some Thoughts On Video Pod casting." I enjoyed this podcast more than the previous one because it caught my attention better with the music. It was informative on how to decide on what kind of podcast you should do. The first thing you have to decide is who your audience is going to be, and after that how complex your subject is going to be and would it be helpful to add a video to your podcast to be more informative or to also keep the interest of your audience. In my opinion i believe a podcast should have some type of video so the listener's mind will not start wondering and the listener's attention will be focused on the podcast.
Ed Tech Talk & Connect Learning Podcast
I selected the Connect Learning episode 90 these creators were talking about connecting the teachers, students, and community through the podcast. I thought this was a great idea, because it allows students to use technology for help which i believe will allow kids to be more open with asking questions and learning. Also in Ed Tech Talk was about people who were answering questions that a girl had about Skype and helped her to fix her problem. I enjoyed the first two more than i did this one, but i did find it interesting in some ways because i have never used Skype before and i will most likely run into the same problems eventually. If teachers would just realize that there are many advantages for them and their students if podcast were used in the schools today.
Mac Break Weekly & This week in photography podcast
Mac Break Weekly and This week in photography was interesting and could be useful, but maybe not to educators. Mac Break Weekly mostly talks about new technology and the benefit of the use of them, while This week in photography connects people with all similar interest and it also addresses and any questions of that interest.
Media Literacy in the First grade
I believe media literacy is very important, and with these First graders they knew what they were talking about. You can tell that these kids are interested in learning and that they are media literate. You never once see a teacher telling these kids what to do or having to stand over them constantly. I did not even have a computer in my classroom when i was in First grade, so this just shocks me how this generations is so different from the one i came up in. Teachers this day in time will also have to step up and become media literate.
Little Kids, Big Potential
Wow this class is amazing! Am I ready to face kids like this? No, but i hope to be after this class. I am 20 years old and until this class i have never blogged before, so i hope i will be caught up with these kids after this semester. Also this is a great way to keep parents informed/involved on their children. You heard a couple of the students say that their parents had commented to them, and this also boost students will to learn and keep them interested. Great class!
Iphone being used by a One year old
This video did not shock me that much. For one i have already experienced the shock that a baby could use an iphone, and i have never even played around with one. I became aware of this while i was on a flight coming from New Jersey, and the couple i was sitting with had a 2 year old, who they were trying to keep occupied for the 3 hour flight. While the coloring books were not working the father gave her his phone for her to play with, and yes it was an iphone. This child was taking her own pictures and putting it as his background, and from what i could tell she was playing golf on it. So this is when i became aware that kids are more interested in technology than Barbie or GI Joe now.
I enjoyed this podcast, but in my opinion he should have not been ordering coffee while recording. I do believe that every teacher should know how to use a smart board and actually use it in the class room. As a student i have never seen one in-use before so it was interesting to get to learn about a smart board. I enjoyed animation during the podcast, it kept my interest.
Kid cast
I listened to "Some Thoughts On Video Pod casting." I enjoyed this podcast more than the previous one because it caught my attention better with the music. It was informative on how to decide on what kind of podcast you should do. The first thing you have to decide is who your audience is going to be, and after that how complex your subject is going to be and would it be helpful to add a video to your podcast to be more informative or to also keep the interest of your audience. In my opinion i believe a podcast should have some type of video so the listener's mind will not start wondering and the listener's attention will be focused on the podcast.
Ed Tech Talk & Connect Learning Podcast
I selected the Connect Learning episode 90 these creators were talking about connecting the teachers, students, and community through the podcast. I thought this was a great idea, because it allows students to use technology for help which i believe will allow kids to be more open with asking questions and learning. Also in Ed Tech Talk was about people who were answering questions that a girl had about Skype and helped her to fix her problem. I enjoyed the first two more than i did this one, but i did find it interesting in some ways because i have never used Skype before and i will most likely run into the same problems eventually. If teachers would just realize that there are many advantages for them and their students if podcast were used in the schools today.
Mac Break Weekly & This week in photography podcast
Mac Break Weekly and This week in photography was interesting and could be useful, but maybe not to educators. Mac Break Weekly mostly talks about new technology and the benefit of the use of them, while This week in photography connects people with all similar interest and it also addresses and any questions of that interest.
Media Literacy in the First grade
I believe media literacy is very important, and with these First graders they knew what they were talking about. You can tell that these kids are interested in learning and that they are media literate. You never once see a teacher telling these kids what to do or having to stand over them constantly. I did not even have a computer in my classroom when i was in First grade, so this just shocks me how this generations is so different from the one i came up in. Teachers this day in time will also have to step up and become media literate.
Little Kids, Big Potential
Wow this class is amazing! Am I ready to face kids like this? No, but i hope to be after this class. I am 20 years old and until this class i have never blogged before, so i hope i will be caught up with these kids after this semester. Also this is a great way to keep parents informed/involved on their children. You heard a couple of the students say that their parents had commented to them, and this also boost students will to learn and keep them interested. Great class!
Iphone being used by a One year old
This video did not shock me that much. For one i have already experienced the shock that a baby could use an iphone, and i have never even played around with one. I became aware of this while i was on a flight coming from New Jersey, and the couple i was sitting with had a 2 year old, who they were trying to keep occupied for the 3 hour flight. While the coloring books were not working the father gave her his phone for her to play with, and yes it was an iphone. This child was taking her own pictures and putting it as his background, and from what i could tell she was playing golf on it. So this is when i became aware that kids are more interested in technology than Barbie or GI Joe now.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Second Post
Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today
As a student today I have not had to experience a class size larger than 40, and I believe that most of my teachers do know my name. I also have spent at least $500 a semester on textbooks and half of them will never be opened. After the first couple weeks of class I have noticed that there are more and more students that start skipping class time. I spend more time on the computer/internet than I do homework or studying, and most of my day is spent using some media technology as in: watching TV, listening to music, talking on a cell phone, or on the computer.Only one of my classes have the use of technology in with there lessons.
This video did capture some of how my college experience has been. I do believe if education was more technology advanced students would be able to combine their media time with their homework or school time. Also class time has became a bore to students, and for this reason students begin to skip or bring computers, cell phones, or music devices into the classroom to make time go by. If teachers began to use technology in with their lessons students would be able to get interested and learn more. In the world today there are many problems that students may not have caused but will have to deal with in the future. Some believe that technology can save us, but I am one that believes that technology is not the answer to everything. Most student's worry about having a job when they graduate college; I believe that some advanced technology replace human jobs and makes it harder for humans to find jobs.
"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines
I agree that teachers should not use technology to cover up their bad ways of teaching, but I do believe that teachers should use technology that most kids are already familiar with today in with their teaching. You also made a good point in saying that teacher's cannot just pass an exam to become a teacher and then their learning days are over; teacher's do have to be a life long learner right along with their students. In a classroom today teacher's and student's seem like robots, they follow the same routine everyday, every semester, and every year. Most kids can recite most of the lines or explain almost every part of there favorite movie or song, but cannot remember what they went over in History, English, or Math. Teacher's could use technology to spice up learning in their class room to keep their students interested, and for it to also be a productive way of teaching and learning. I also believe that the teacher's should first have to "learn" how to use the technology, and how to productively use it for the students advantage. Ms. Hines you made excellent points on how as a teacher you need to better yourself before you start teaching, and as a teacher you can never stop learning! In the end it's not all about the technology, it's all about how the teacher was taught to use new technology for education to better prepare his/her students for the future.
Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
This post really got me to thinking. In the future will it be a requirement for a person to know technology just like it is required for a person to know how to read or write? I believe it will be required for a person to know how to use the basic technology in the world to be able to get a decent job. To be a teacher or parent today it would be embarrassing to say I was technologically illiterate. I do not believe that a teacher can effectively teach a student if a teacher does not understand that student's interest, and most student's are more technology inclined than their teachers.
I also want to teach math in the future and I have heard a lot of people say "well I was never good at math", but they do not say this statement in a way of embarrassment. I also have never heard anyone say "well i was never really good at reading or writing" without being embarrassed. Mr. Fisch makes a good point, neither one of the subjects are more important than the other, and a person should be embarrassed to say that he/she is illiterate about anything, including technology!
Gary Hayes Social Media Count
You know all your friends have Myspace, tweeter, blogs, Facebook, and an Iphone, but I never realized how these numbers add up. I also have noticed in these past couple of weeks that some of these numbers come from kids out of elementary schools! Wow! Technology really touches the lives of everyone! As a future teacher I know I have to step up and start keeping up with technology at a reasonable pace. To be able to teach effectively in a class room I will have to have some technology experience so that I can better understand my students and to be able to get the information that they need across to them, and better prepare them for the future.
As a student today I have not had to experience a class size larger than 40, and I believe that most of my teachers do know my name. I also have spent at least $500 a semester on textbooks and half of them will never be opened. After the first couple weeks of class I have noticed that there are more and more students that start skipping class time. I spend more time on the computer/internet than I do homework or studying, and most of my day is spent using some media technology as in: watching TV, listening to music, talking on a cell phone, or on the computer.Only one of my classes have the use of technology in with there lessons.
This video did capture some of how my college experience has been. I do believe if education was more technology advanced students would be able to combine their media time with their homework or school time. Also class time has became a bore to students, and for this reason students begin to skip or bring computers, cell phones, or music devices into the classroom to make time go by. If teachers began to use technology in with their lessons students would be able to get interested and learn more. In the world today there are many problems that students may not have caused but will have to deal with in the future. Some believe that technology can save us, but I am one that believes that technology is not the answer to everything. Most student's worry about having a job when they graduate college; I believe that some advanced technology replace human jobs and makes it harder for humans to find jobs.
"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines
I agree that teachers should not use technology to cover up their bad ways of teaching, but I do believe that teachers should use technology that most kids are already familiar with today in with their teaching. You also made a good point in saying that teacher's cannot just pass an exam to become a teacher and then their learning days are over; teacher's do have to be a life long learner right along with their students. In a classroom today teacher's and student's seem like robots, they follow the same routine everyday, every semester, and every year. Most kids can recite most of the lines or explain almost every part of there favorite movie or song, but cannot remember what they went over in History, English, or Math. Teacher's could use technology to spice up learning in their class room to keep their students interested, and for it to also be a productive way of teaching and learning. I also believe that the teacher's should first have to "learn" how to use the technology, and how to productively use it for the students advantage. Ms. Hines you made excellent points on how as a teacher you need to better yourself before you start teaching, and as a teacher you can never stop learning! In the end it's not all about the technology, it's all about how the teacher was taught to use new technology for education to better prepare his/her students for the future.
Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
This post really got me to thinking. In the future will it be a requirement for a person to know technology just like it is required for a person to know how to read or write? I believe it will be required for a person to know how to use the basic technology in the world to be able to get a decent job. To be a teacher or parent today it would be embarrassing to say I was technologically illiterate. I do not believe that a teacher can effectively teach a student if a teacher does not understand that student's interest, and most student's are more technology inclined than their teachers.
I also want to teach math in the future and I have heard a lot of people say "well I was never good at math", but they do not say this statement in a way of embarrassment. I also have never heard anyone say "well i was never really good at reading or writing" without being embarrassed. Mr. Fisch makes a good point, neither one of the subjects are more important than the other, and a person should be embarrassed to say that he/she is illiterate about anything, including technology!
Gary Hayes Social Media Count
You know all your friends have Myspace, tweeter, blogs, Facebook, and an Iphone, but I never realized how these numbers add up. I also have noticed in these past couple of weeks that some of these numbers come from kids out of elementary schools! Wow! Technology really touches the lives of everyone! As a future teacher I know I have to step up and start keeping up with technology at a reasonable pace. To be able to teach effectively in a class room I will have to have some technology experience so that I can better understand my students and to be able to get the information that they need across to them, and better prepare them for the future.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
First Blog
Did You Know ?3.0
“Did You Know?” is basically showing the statistics of the world. It explains how a country is growing and how one country out numbers the other in higher education. Jobs are growing around the world each year, but also new technology comes out rapidly; jobs that did not exist a year ago are now in high demand for employers. People are now being prepared for future technology and possible job opportunities, and preparing for problems that have not yet been discovered. This clip also shows how large the Internet (Cyber) world has become over a couple of years, and also how it will advance even more in the up coming years. A good example “Did you know?” used was that by the time a person was taught a technology in school their skill will be out dated before he/she graduates.
I believe every point shown on this clip is an eye opener to a person who does not believe in change and likes everything to be old fashioned. The world is changing, growing, and moving at a fast pace around us, and advances each year. I also believe that people will not be able to keep up with the world unless we try to pace ourselves along side technology, and try to advance ourselves with it.
Mr. Wrinkle Wakes
This clip explains how Mr. Wrinkle has slept for a hundred years, and when he rejoins the world he realizes that it is not the same as it was when he went to sleep many years ago. As Mr. Wrinkle walks around confused, noticing nothing familiar he becomes overwhelmed with all the advanced technology, so he decides to go to a hospital. Not knowing that the hospital will be the one place with the most advanced technology, he leaves even more overwhelmed in search for a more familiar place. He comes across a school and realizes that it is just how he remembers it; the teacher in front of the classroom, students at their desk with books, paper, and pencil, and also a computer in the corner covered with dust.
"Mr. Wrinkle Wakes" was a shock to me because the point that it makes about schools and technology is true. Even though the world advances with technology, schools stay the same. I do believe that schools should be allowed to use technology and for teachers to teach their students to experience and learn the new technology and to put it into use along with the growing, advanced world. Children today should be taught the necessary skills in life such as, Math, English, Science, etc., but also be prepared for the future and be familiar with the changing in the world around them.
Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
Explains many different points of education. He explains first on how everyone has an interest in education, and some parts of education seems to be less important than the others such as: math, english, and science is more important than art. Sir Ken Robinson believes that if one does not take a chance then their creativity is lost. He explains that people are taught not to be wrong, and when our fear of being wrong takes over our ability to take a chance then nothing can be created. He sums up this by saying that we are not educated to be creative artist but educated out of being creative at all. He tries to explain the education system to people and what it means; he replies by explaining to come out on top and to succeed in the education system is to become a college professor. This explains that education means to get the highest academic success. Schools were invented to prepare and meet the needs for the industrialism; subjects are taught in rank of the most used for future jobs. At the end of this clip Sir Ken Robinson tells a story of a little girl who could not focus or be still in class, but when music is put on she is instantly interested and moving to the tunes. She expresses herself through music (art) and can think and pay attention. She does not have a learning disability, she is a dancer.
I believe Sir Ken Robinson is an awesome person who puts his ideas out there in a way that makes a person understand. I agree with him there is more people in the world today that are successful in school, but would rather grow up to be a dancer or an actor or a musician rather than a college professor or a doctor. Children who cannot sit still or do not seem to be interested in school work are put on prescription drugs and are taught to be still and learn basic school subjects. I particularly liked the part on college professors that basically live in their heads. I agree with this because most professors cannot even relate to their students; students are basically teaching themselves and others, but the professors are the ones handing out the tests and standing in front of the class. I believe that this clip is basically summed up by saying that students are not allowed to express themselves in forms of art the way they should be able to. Students are taught that art is not important in the world today which rids them of their creativity.
Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
This clip is about a teacher who takes the technology in her classroom and teaches and lets her students experience it along side her. She watches her students and learn from them as much as they learn from her. She watches them individually and high light their interest to keep each student actively interested in her classroom. She takes learning to the next level, not just books, pencil, and paper. She expects her students to explore and brain storm on their own for example: if she says a new term in class, she expects her students to go to the internet and Google and to discover and interpret this new term.
I believe that this clip shows a good picture of how future classrooms should look, how each student is actively interested, and each student learning and teaching their fellow peers around them. I also believe that this has given me an idea of what i will be experiencing this semester as I take in all this new technology, and ways of the internet world.
“Did You Know?” is basically showing the statistics of the world. It explains how a country is growing and how one country out numbers the other in higher education. Jobs are growing around the world each year, but also new technology comes out rapidly; jobs that did not exist a year ago are now in high demand for employers. People are now being prepared for future technology and possible job opportunities, and preparing for problems that have not yet been discovered. This clip also shows how large the Internet (Cyber) world has become over a couple of years, and also how it will advance even more in the up coming years. A good example “Did you know?” used was that by the time a person was taught a technology in school their skill will be out dated before he/she graduates.
I believe every point shown on this clip is an eye opener to a person who does not believe in change and likes everything to be old fashioned. The world is changing, growing, and moving at a fast pace around us, and advances each year. I also believe that people will not be able to keep up with the world unless we try to pace ourselves along side technology, and try to advance ourselves with it.
Mr. Wrinkle Wakes
This clip explains how Mr. Wrinkle has slept for a hundred years, and when he rejoins the world he realizes that it is not the same as it was when he went to sleep many years ago. As Mr. Wrinkle walks around confused, noticing nothing familiar he becomes overwhelmed with all the advanced technology, so he decides to go to a hospital. Not knowing that the hospital will be the one place with the most advanced technology, he leaves even more overwhelmed in search for a more familiar place. He comes across a school and realizes that it is just how he remembers it; the teacher in front of the classroom, students at their desk with books, paper, and pencil, and also a computer in the corner covered with dust.
"Mr. Wrinkle Wakes" was a shock to me because the point that it makes about schools and technology is true. Even though the world advances with technology, schools stay the same. I do believe that schools should be allowed to use technology and for teachers to teach their students to experience and learn the new technology and to put it into use along with the growing, advanced world. Children today should be taught the necessary skills in life such as, Math, English, Science, etc., but also be prepared for the future and be familiar with the changing in the world around them.
Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
Explains many different points of education. He explains first on how everyone has an interest in education, and some parts of education seems to be less important than the others such as: math, english, and science is more important than art. Sir Ken Robinson believes that if one does not take a chance then their creativity is lost. He explains that people are taught not to be wrong, and when our fear of being wrong takes over our ability to take a chance then nothing can be created. He sums up this by saying that we are not educated to be creative artist but educated out of being creative at all. He tries to explain the education system to people and what it means; he replies by explaining to come out on top and to succeed in the education system is to become a college professor. This explains that education means to get the highest academic success. Schools were invented to prepare and meet the needs for the industrialism; subjects are taught in rank of the most used for future jobs. At the end of this clip Sir Ken Robinson tells a story of a little girl who could not focus or be still in class, but when music is put on she is instantly interested and moving to the tunes. She expresses herself through music (art) and can think and pay attention. She does not have a learning disability, she is a dancer.
I believe Sir Ken Robinson is an awesome person who puts his ideas out there in a way that makes a person understand. I agree with him there is more people in the world today that are successful in school, but would rather grow up to be a dancer or an actor or a musician rather than a college professor or a doctor. Children who cannot sit still or do not seem to be interested in school work are put on prescription drugs and are taught to be still and learn basic school subjects. I particularly liked the part on college professors that basically live in their heads. I agree with this because most professors cannot even relate to their students; students are basically teaching themselves and others, but the professors are the ones handing out the tests and standing in front of the class. I believe that this clip is basically summed up by saying that students are not allowed to express themselves in forms of art the way they should be able to. Students are taught that art is not important in the world today which rids them of their creativity.
Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
This clip is about a teacher who takes the technology in her classroom and teaches and lets her students experience it along side her. She watches her students and learn from them as much as they learn from her. She watches them individually and high light their interest to keep each student actively interested in her classroom. She takes learning to the next level, not just books, pencil, and paper. She expects her students to explore and brain storm on their own for example: if she says a new term in class, she expects her students to go to the internet and Google and to discover and interpret this new term.
I believe that this clip shows a good picture of how future classrooms should look, how each student is actively interested, and each student learning and teaching their fellow peers around them. I also believe that this has given me an idea of what i will be experiencing this semester as I take in all this new technology, and ways of the internet world.
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