Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sixth Post

Dr. Christie's Site
On Dr. Christie's site the one thing that caught my eye was the tab labeled educational technology. This tab has a list of things teachers could use in there classrooms with there students or to better educate their students. It does not stop there. If you find a topic and are interested in it but do not really know what it is or how it works you can click on the word and it will take you to that site and you can research there to find out the information on the product. The one that i fell in love with is the instant messaging. You first go to a page where you then can be directed to more sites to get more in depth information or you can read her page of the basic meaning of instant messaging. At the bottom of this page she has a list of all the instant messaging abbreviations which i plan to print off for my mom and dad who have just picked up the habit of texting!
I would recommend this site to people who are already teaching and do not really know much about technology or do not know how to put it in with there teaching of education. This site is an over look of what I am learning in EDM310, and little extra which I plan to keep this page to refer back to when i become a teacher.
itunes U
This is the first time that i checked out itunes U and i think i'm hooked. As a student you always have this one teacher who is hard to understand or you just simply don't understand the material in the way he/she is teaching it. Well with itunes U a student can go look up another univeristy of interest with the same subject and topic of interest and absorb their information, and this could possibly help that student's grades. Another example is if a student had to miss a lecture then he/she could go search this site and find information that they missed in class.
Itunes U can also be helpful to a teacher. The teacher can record her lectures and students can watch/listen to the lecture at home if he/she did not completely absorb all the information during class time. This is a positive way to keep parents informed on what is going on in the classroom and what is being covered. Also i know that as the year progresses during the school year more and more students are absent and this is a good way for them to keep up to date, and the teacher does not have to stop class progress to go back over something that someone had missed previously.
Link to itunes U
OK first of all i have to say that i do not own an ipod and the only interaction i have with one is with my boy friend's ipod nano, so researching this topic was very interesting to me. I found a site that goes through everything with you step by step starting with the first time you plug it into your computer. Here is the link so that you can find out for yourself how this video on ipods is helpful.ipod instruction video After taking this class i do feel like i need to get more involved with technology, and saying that after i watched this video and with my birthday coming up i believe i will invest in me an ipod!
Comments for Kids
My assignment for comment for kids i had to look at Marc's blog page, and for a fifth grader is was amazing. His most recent post was on a school skit that he was a little upset that he did not get to be cast in, but he was instead the props and effect manager. On Marc's page he has video's you can watch and also podcasts you can listen to, it is very neat and organized and up to date with his school activities. I was very impressed with his blog page, and i even commented and told him that his more interesting than mine and for him to keep up the good work.


  1. Sandra,

    I enjoyed reading your post especially on Dr. Christie's Site. I too found her site to be helpful for every teacher. I looked at more of Webquest which is similar to the assignments that we have to do in EDM 310. Keep up the good job!


  2. I enjoyed reading your blogs! I totally agree with you i would love to keep up with Dr. Christie's site as well when i become a teacher.
