Sunday, May 2, 2010

GoodBye EDM 310

Good Bye for now! I am happy that all the pressure is gone! All the projects are complete and no more blogging! I appreciate all the things that was taught to me! I feel like because of this class I can be a better teacher for my students! I hope to one day be a teacher that Dr. Strange will get his EDM 310 student's to comment on my class blog!!!

Final Post!!!!

1)What did I learn in this class?
*Google-The many things that I learned about Google! Wow! It began with setting up a g-mail account and then GoogleDocs. With GoogleDocs you can make presentations, surveys, tests, and make documents that can be shared with other GoogleDoc owners and it can be altered and saved by each person. All these gadgets that I learned about Google is by far the most important, and I can see myself as a teacher using these tools in the classroom!
*Blogs-After the end of this course I can honestly say I KNOW how to blog! Blogging is not one of my favorite things to do, but I can see where it can be helpful with teachers and keeping in touch with students. I am glad I learned how to blog, but I am not sure if I will be a teacher who would use it in a classroom. We will just have to wait and see.
*Skype-I do believe this is an extremely neat tool and that it can honestly open your classroom up to the whole world! It is also FREE! If I was going to teach a different subject other than math I would some how fit time to use this tool in the classroom!
*Timetoast Timeline-I really enjoyed doing this project! Actually just thinking back I could have used this tool to study during high school. I believe it is fun and an educational tool to play around with! Like I said before, with the subject I plan to teach I don't know right off hand how I would use this tool in the classroom, but I would love to share it with my class if only for a studying tool!
*Audacity-If I do plan on having a class blog this tool will definitely be in use!
*Podcasts- Ok not a real big fan of podcasts unless it is a video cast. I had a hard time getting interested in people just talking! I also listened to a lot of podcast where people were not formal, and it got irritating. I do not see myself using podcast in the classroom, but again we will just have to wait and see!
*Twitter- This is another one that I never really got into! I really don't see the purpose of it, but I know Dr. Strange used it in a educational way to meet new people, and find new blogs on his topic of interest. If I do plan on using Skype I will force myself to get use to this tool and also use it in an educational way.
*Comment for Kids- This assignment gave me great ideas for class blogs. I enjoyed personally looking at these kids blogs and also inspiring them to keep up the good work. I do believe this is an awesome assignment for future teacher's to have! This assignment gave us an opportunity to brighten up a student's day and that should be every teacher's dream!
*Comment for Teachers- I did not get into this assignment at much as I did comment for kids. Personally I enjoyed reading some of the blogs, but I felt I did not have anything insightful to say because simply I do not have any experience under my belt to make good comments and feed backs on some of the blogs.
*The future of the schools and technology- This class has opened my eyes to a lot of new points and views. I do see technology in a different way. I do not have a comment on future schools, but I do see more technology brought in to the classroom!
2)This class covered all the basics I cannot think of anything that was left out. I'm sure by next year there will be a lot more added to this course, but I will have to work hard to keep up with technology and not let it out run me!
3)Everything I learned in this class could be used in a classroom, and I don't see a tool that was taught that had no purpose and was useless to us. Now there was a few assignments I did not enjoy, but I do appreciate the opportunity to learn and I am proud to say that I am about to use a certain tool!
4)Saying that this class was exciting in the means of saying that I learned how to use a lot of tools that I did not know how to use before. Then yes this class was exciting and gave me many ideas on how I want my classroom to be.
5)I did not find this class to be hard. Time consuming, yes! I don't believe it was challenging in the fact that you have to rack your brain, but it was challenging in the fact of getting all the work and projects done!
6)You never got bored in this class because there was always work to be done or projects due! Never a dull moment with Dr. Strange!
7)No, I would not change any of the material taught. All of it can be useful to us as teachers in the future!
8)Technology Literate??? Well I know more about technology than when this semester started, and if that was the goal then yes I feel that I am some what technology literate!!!
9)Try to keep up the technology and not fall so behind! Do more stuff on the internet and surf the web in an educational way! Always try to keep my personal learning network growing! Its still tiny to me!