Sunday, January 24, 2010

Second Post

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today
As a student today I have not had to experience a class size larger than 40, and I believe that most of my teachers do know my name. I also have spent at least $500 a semester on textbooks and half of them will never be opened. After the first couple weeks of class I have noticed that there are more and more students that start skipping class time. I spend more time on the computer/internet than I do homework or studying, and most of my day is spent using some media technology as in: watching TV, listening to music, talking on a cell phone, or on the computer.Only one of my classes have the use of technology in with there lessons.
This video did capture some of how my college experience has been. I do believe if education was more technology advanced students would be able to combine their media time with their homework or school time. Also class time has became a bore to students, and for this reason students begin to skip or bring computers, cell phones, or music devices into the classroom to make time go by. If teachers began to use technology in with their lessons students would be able to get interested and learn more. In the world today there are many problems that students may not have caused but will have to deal with in the future. Some believe that technology can save us, but I am one that believes that technology is not the answer to everything. Most student's worry about having a job when they graduate college; I believe that some advanced technology replace human jobs and makes it harder for humans to find jobs.
"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines
I agree that teachers should not use technology to cover up their bad ways of teaching, but I do believe that teachers should use technology that most kids are already familiar with today in with their teaching. You also made a good point in saying that teacher's cannot just pass an exam to become a teacher and then their learning days are over; teacher's do have to be a life long learner right along with their students. In a classroom today teacher's and student's seem like robots, they follow the same routine everyday, every semester, and every year. Most kids can recite most of the lines or explain almost every part of there favorite movie or song, but cannot remember what they went over in History, English, or Math. Teacher's could use technology to spice up learning in their class room to keep their students interested, and for it to also be a productive way of teaching and learning. I also believe that the teacher's should first have to "learn" how to use the technology, and how to productively use it for the students advantage. Ms. Hines you made excellent points on how as a teacher you need to better yourself before you start teaching, and as a teacher you can never stop learning! In the end it's not all about the technology, it's all about how the teacher was taught to use new technology for education to better prepare his/her students for the future.
Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
This post really got me to thinking. In the future will it be a requirement for a person to know technology just like it is required for a person to know how to read or write? I believe it will be required for a person to know how to use the basic technology in the world to be able to get a decent job. To be a teacher or parent today it would be embarrassing to say I was technologically illiterate. I do not believe that a teacher can effectively teach a student if a teacher does not understand that student's interest, and most student's are more technology inclined than their teachers.
I also want to teach math in the future and I have heard a lot of people say "well I was never good at math", but they do not say this statement in a way of embarrassment. I also have never heard anyone say "well i was never really good at reading or writing" without being embarrassed. Mr. Fisch makes a good point, neither one of the subjects are more important than the other, and a person should be embarrassed to say that he/she is illiterate about anything, including technology!
Gary Hayes Social Media Count
You know all your friends have Myspace, tweeter, blogs, Facebook, and an Iphone, but I never realized how these numbers add up. I also have noticed in these past couple of weeks that some of these numbers come from kids out of elementary schools! Wow! Technology really touches the lives of everyone! As a future teacher I know I have to step up and start keeping up with technology at a reasonable pace. To be able to teach effectively in a class room I will have to have some technology experience so that I can better understand my students and to be able to get the information that they need across to them, and better prepare them for the future.

1 comment:

  1. I also agree with Kelly Hines point about teachers being life long learners. Our world changes daily and new things will be created throughout our entire lives so if we don't pay attention and understand them then we are putting ourselves and students we teach at a major disadvantage compared to other students.
