Monday, March 29, 2010


I used skype for the first time while I was school. Since I live 65 miles away from school I spend long hours sitting in my car and doing homework. I figured that it would be a perfect time to skype in with my boy friend while he was at home. So first I had to call him and explain what was going on and how to download skype. After we figured out how to us skype and got everything working we had a ten minute conversation. I have to say it was way more interesting than just a plain phone call! I really enjoyed it and plan to keep using skype!

Tenth Post

Comments for Kids
For my comments for kids I had to visit St. Pius X-Room 6's blog and it was very interesting. I commented on the video on how to use digital cameras. I mainly enjoyed this post because I am not an electronic person, so this video will probably help me out in the future when I actually need to use a camera! I expressed how informative their video was and how much I enjoyed it. Also for all those "Power-shots" to keep up the good work!
An Open Letter to Educators: By Morgan Bayda
Wow! I was not surprised that Morgan had a horrible experience during her college career in dealing with the modern classroom structure and it’s out of date ways. That is because I also have experienced the same structured classes that consist of long boring lectures, and most classes students tend to skip! Most of the things I memorize and actually learn are only for the short term, so I can pass the next test.
Dan Brown dropped out of school, because he said that it was interfering with his education. He made his point by saying that institutional education is going to fail if it does not evolve. His main point of view was that education is now free and easily accessed over the internet. This was an eye opener for me! It made me start thinking about how much money students are paying for education, and did you really get your money worth? College mainly teaches students responsibility and how to deal with stress, it is the first step to slapping kids’ faces with reality. I have learned other things, but I'm really not sure about the value of the education I am receiving.
I thought that this blog was a wake-up call, and made me start thinking about my own education. I believe that institutional education has to evolve to meet the needs of the world, and it is up to the future educators to make this happen! This is going to be very challenging, but it also means that everyone in society will have access to any information needed without anything holding them back! It is exciting to imagine what the world will be like in ten years!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time Toast Time-Line

I created my time-line to show the "History of Hurricanes that hit the Gulf Coast." Hope you enjoy. Check it out

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Comments for Teacher Week 7, 8, & 9

For my comments for teacher I had to comment on Jabiz Raisdana blog "The Intrepid Teacher". The first blog post that I read really caught my eye because it talked about a video that his daughter had made and posted that had gotten a lot of attention from an EDM310 class. On his post he explained that he did not have the time to answer back to all the comments, but he did want to put a special Thanks on his blog to EDM310 class. So he did and there was also a student who sent his daughter a video of her daughter reading a book, so Raisdana also poster another video of his daughter's response. A very enjoyable post!
The second blog post that I commented on was the post "There's no such thing as Virtual: It is all Teaching." It starts off explaining how the school he teaches at was temporarily closed because of the spread of Swine Flu. He goes on explaining how the time away from his students made him start looking into E-Learning or "virtual" learning. His wife works in America and they have the opportunity to work with "Blackboard" but choose not to, and when the crisis hits them they scramble to rapidly learn how the technology can be used to their advantage. So to prevent himself from following in their footsteps he begins his virtual journey. He explains how he uses several different tools in his teaching. I felt like I could relate to this blog because in this class we are doing and learning exactly what he is having to teach himself.
The last blog that caught my attention was "Use your Brain". This post was basically about a paper a student of Raisdana's had wrote about the person who inspired him. This post inspired me to be the best teacher i can be and inspire my student's and get them to learn the world around them and for the future just like Raisdana did. You can visit the "Intrepid Teacher's" blog....Click Here

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ninth post

Comments for Kids & Teachers
I had to comment on Jessica's blog this week, and her blog topic was a video on how excitement felt when she won a race. She videoed her and some friends running, and she expressed her feelings in words as the race progressed and showed her excitement when she won. This is the last week i had to comment on my teacher's blog, so check out the blog post "Comments for Teachers" to find out more.
The Alex-Alabama Learning Exchange- is an excellent site for teachers. This is the first time i have heard of it. I went to Click here for Alex and there it brings up a page of different topics such as:courses of study, web-links, lesson plans, etc. You click on one of them and it takes you to the site. Like if you click on Lesson plans it takes you to the place to make out lesson plans, and if you hit courses of study it takes you to choose the course, and then to already made out lesson plans.
This is a great site for teachers. This also gets teachers up to date on technology so that they don't have to make lesson plans out by hand anymore. Also instead of having to go back and redo their lesson plans if they do change for the week, the teacher can just go online and adjust it and print it off. I believe every teacher should know about this site.
Access Distant Learning is a program online that connects students though technology with an education program. With this program you can get advanced diploma credit, dual enrollment, and provide teachers with additional multimedia and tools to enhance instruction. I also have not heard of this program until now. I also believe this is another site that teachers should look into especially if you are one who is looking to bring technology into the classroom.
To get to this site you go to click here for Access, and if you are a member you have to sign in. At the top of the web page it gives you all of the tabs to help you find what you are looking for such as: courses, students, educators, and technical support. On an overview site you can see that this site is very legit Overview.

Eighth Post

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
Wow what can i say this guy is awesome! This is the first time that i have heard of him, and because of this assignment i am one of his fans. This assignment was kind of the longest one we have had so far, and i really was not looking forward to doing it but when you started watching him you just got into his lecture and time just went by. You rarely see a person this day in time as happy and full of life as Randy Pausch. I do believe he is an inspiration not only to me but to everyone that has listened to him. He is about to lose his life, but he still so helpful to make sure everyone else around him can have an amazing life and live it to the fullest. It makes you really start thinking about your own life and weather of not to start making some changes.
He first starts out by explaining what his childhood dreams were and how he achieved them, which takes up about the first twenty minutes of the video. He talks about how he accomplished did each one. Randy did everything he could to do everything on his list. He never took no for an answer when it come to his dreams, and if necessary he took a few loop holes. I believe everyone's goal start out by just saying i want to live life to the fullest and that's kind of what Randy has done.
Then he goes on talking about how he helped others achieve their childhood dreams. He dedicated the remainder of his life to helping his students be the best they could possibly be. It's weird this guy is dying and everything he does is selfless, i mean it seems that it needs to be all about him, but that's not how he looks at it. On top of that he is entertaining, and he does not make it depressing even though u really can't help but to feel sorry for him. I don't believe i could be the way he is if i was in his shoes.
I believe one of his main quotes is, "You obviously don't know where the bar should be, and your only going to do them a disservice by putting it anywhere." This speaks to everyone no matter how old you are. No one can tell you when you have reached your limits. Like the old saying goes, " don't stop at the stars, shoot for the moon."
Comments for kids & teachers
I had to comment on David's blog and his topic was about slavery and he put together a couple of sentences that really explained what slavery was and how it made people feel. I also went to my comment for teacher blog and i have read another post and commented on it.