Comments for Kids & TeachersI had to comment on Jessica's blog this week, and her blog topic was a video on how excitement felt when she won a race. She videoed her and some friends running, and she expressed her feelings in words as the race progressed and showed her excitement when she won. This is the last week i had to comment on my teacher's blog, so check out the blog post "Comments for Teachers" to find out more.
AlexThe Alex-Alabama Learning Exchange- is an excellent site for teachers. This is the first time i have heard of it. I went to
Click here for Alex and there it brings up a page of different topics such as:courses of study, web-links, lesson plans, etc. You click on one of them and it takes you to the site. Like if you click on Lesson plans it takes you to the place to make out lesson plans, and if you hit courses of study it takes you to choose the course, and then to already made out lesson plans.
This is a great site for teachers. This also gets teachers up to date on technology so that they don't have to make lesson plans out by hand anymore. Also instead of having to go back and redo their lesson plans if they do change for the week, the teacher can just go online and adjust it and print it off. I believe every teacher should know about this site.
AccessAccess Distant Learning is a program online that connects students though technology with an education program. With this program you can get advanced diploma credit, dual enrollment, and provide teachers with additional multimedia and tools to enhance instruction. I also have not heard of this program until now. I also believe this is another site that teachers should look into especially if you are one who is looking to bring technology into the classroom.
To get to this site you go to
click here for Access, and if you are a member you have to sign in. At the top of the web page it gives you all of the tabs to help you find what you are looking for such as: courses, students, educators, and technical support. On an overview site you can see that this site is very legit